The 2x Suction PoolCleaner™ uses your existing pump and filter for power. This cleaner plugs into either your designated suction port or the skimmer. The 2x is ideal for most average sized pools. Some of the features that make 2 Wheel POOLCLEANER™ unique: SELF ADJUSTING TURBINE VANES All the POOLCLEANER™ cleaners have the patented self-adjusting turbines, which maximizes the power from the water flow. This turbine is similar to a paddle wheel with blades that are adjustable. This feature allows the POOLCLEANER™ to still move at low suction and low pressure. In addition the folding vanes of the turbine allow for the easy passage of larger debris through the cleaner. STEERING SYSTEM The 2x Suction POOLCLEANER™ has an internal programmed steering system, that causes the left wheel to periodically reverse, allowing the POOLCLEANER™ to turn and then move into another direction. For the 2x Suction POOLCLEANER™ there are five different programmed turns ranging from 90 to 450 degrees. This feature allows the POOLCLEANER™ to cover not only the deep end, but also the shallow end. The POOLCLEANER™ has no problem with uneven surfaces or strange shapes. It won’t stick in a corner, or get hung up by a main drain. ROBUST TIRE TREADS One look and you will see that the patented tire treads give the POOLCLEANER™ better climbing ability and obstacle maneuverability. The tires come with tread wear markers that show you when to replace your tires. The front tires of the POOLCLEANER™ have humps (raised treads) that allow the POOLCLEANER™ to overcome any reasonable obstacles such as the main drain and uneven surfaces. This makes the POOLCLEANER™ ideal for all pool surfaces and shapes. ADJUSTABLE SKIRT The POOLCLEANER™ has patented adjustable skirts that allow the cleaner to maintain optimal suction under the machine even when it encounters obstacles. When the POOLCLEANER™ encounters an obstacle one (or more) of the skirts will lift up (adjust) over the obstacle while maintaining suction under the cleaner. An easy way to determine if you need a 2 Wheel Suction PoolCleaner or a 4 Wheel Suction PoolCleaner is to imagine a 40 ft long pool. If the suction port or skimmer is half way (most newer pools) approx. 20 ft from one end, then the 2 Wheel Model will be sufficient. If however the suction port is all the way at one end AND you have a very deep end the 4 Wheel PoolCleaner would be better suited for your pool. The best way to describe it is that the 4 Wheel model can drag more hose. PLEASE NOTE: Special tires may be needed for certain pool surfaces such as tile, vinyl and fiberglass.
Product Features
- The 2 Wheel Suction Side Cleaner is professionally designed for a Small to Medium size Pool with a dedicated suction line and/or a skimmer application.
- The 4 Wheel Suction Side Cleaner is professionally designed for a Larger Size Pool, Diving Pool, Lap Pool, and/or older pool with no dedicated suction line, and the skimmer is the only application, which is located at either end of the pool.
- Every Pool Cleaner is made with the highest quality materials to ensure the best pool cleaning product. Vinyl pools need separate tires and they are sold Separately